Please return your 2025 Stewardship Pledge cards back to the church as soon as you can. If haven’t received a Stewardship Packet and would like one then please contact the church. Thanks!
Kairos is Back!
Kairos is back! Join us on Thursday nights. We will have dinner from 5:15pm until 6pm. Then we will have Adult Christian Education and Kairos Kids Choir from 6pm until 6:50pm. The meals will be catered each week. We ask for a $5/person or $10/family each week. This will help offset the costs of the […]
Weekly Bell Choirs and Westminster Ch...
Our weekly Bell Choir and Westminster Choirs will begin practicing for the 2024-2024 church year. The Youth Bell choir will meet on Tuesdays at 5:30pm and the Adult Bell choir will meet on Tuesdays at 6pm starting Tuesday, September 3rd. Westminster Choir meets on Thursdays at 7pm starting on September 5th.